Impact of Communicable Diseases on the Nursing Student’s Performance During Clinical Training

e-ISSN: 3005-6047

Volume 1 issue 2 Published 04/12/2023

Huda Mohamed Ali Rasheed, MSN.

Ph.D. scholar’s British University in Dubai, college of Educational Science, British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates email: [email protected].


Introduction: The medical and health science educational sectors have done their best to prevent students from contracting illnesses while training in clinical areas. The universities’ protocol, in partnership with the hospitals,

Objective: aims to keep nursing students safe while doing tasks in a precise and safe manner. The research aimed to identify and evaluate the impact of communicable diseases on bachelor student nurses’ performance during clinical training.

Methodology: This research study was descriptive using a cross-sectional, quantitative method, the sample was 198 nursing students going to the clinical for training. The data collection instruments consisted of, first, participants’ information, and second, a questionnaire about performance in the clinical area.

Result: The result of the study showed that most of the students were aged between 21 to 25, 4th year of study, females, training in the medical departments and, living with parents, with no health condition risks, and not isolated. The major findings showed that students’ performance was average (70.2%).

Conclusion: In conclusion, nursing students’ performance was average and needed a tutoring strategy to prepare students performance in catastrophic leadership. 

Keywords: communicable diseases, student nurses, students’ performance, hospital clinical training,


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