e-ISSN: 3005-6047
volume 1 issue 1 Published 20/09/2023
Huda Mohamed Ali Rasheed, MSN.
Ph.D. scholar’s British University in Dubai, college of Educational Science, British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates email: [email protected].
Prof. Sufian A. Forawi
Professor of Educational science,college of Educational Science, British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates email: [email protected]
Introduction: With the abrupt changes in educational systems, the educational sectors and teachers tried to develop new skills and practice toward students’ understanding of new skills and knowledge. So, there were some ways to encourage students to use their critical thinking and brainstorming to identify the problem or issues when providing scenarios based on clinical experience.
Objective: the aim of this research study is to assess and explore the Influence of scenario-based learning on a critical thinking analysis approach in medical and health science education..
Method: This research study was a descriptive systematic review with meta-analyses for randomized control trials and quasi-experimental research studies that were conducted from the period of 2008 to 2022. The main themes of the research study were scenario-based learning on problem-solving by using a critical thinking approach abilities, the tutor’s role in solving the struggles that students faced during the application of scenario-based learning, and the strategical plan of the medical and health professional education toward scenario-based learning. The subthemes from the theme of scenario-based learning on problem-solving by using a critical thinking approach ability were problem-solving techniques and the plan of action during patient care with the implementation of the plan of care provided during clinical practice. The meta-analyses were done for 15 research studies in the medical and health science education specialist. This research examined the analyses from these studies by using Revman Review Manager 5.4 software.
. Result: The result of the study showed that all the research participants were 5265 at 100% weightage and risk ratio, M-H, random, and 95% CI were 0.78(0.69, 0.89), with heterogeneity Tau²= 0.05, chi ² = 164.88, and df= 14 (p=0.00001) that is highly significant( p < 0.05). And the total effect was Z= 3.59 (p= 0.0003).
conclusion: In conclusion, the study is supporting the research study with homogeneity results and is highly significant. Also, most of the research studies supported research studies that scenario-based learning is highly important in learning and teaching medical and health science specialties and this can help them before going to the training in the hospitals
Keywords: scenario-based learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, medical & health science students.
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