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Aim and Scope

The Healthy Community Education & research journal focuses on health education, evidence-based practice, and innovation in a health system that helps in improving community health in many areas:

  1. Home care for elderly, disabled, and people health problems
  2. Clinics and primary health centers
  3. Schools and universities health educations related to health or evidence based practice and students knowledge to promote health
  4. Working place research to promote a healthy working environment and any conflicts or risks related to health in working places
  5. Other evidence-based related to community health in the community, society, universities, schools,………….etc

The journal supports the studies that are related to community health and can accept:

  1. Original research papers
  2. Short reports
  3. Case-studies
  4. Descriptive studies
  5. review studies (systematic review and meta-analyses)
  6. Any other research studies related to community health
  7. Chapters that including theortical and conceptual framework of the study

Research aim and scope

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